Typography Task 3 / Exercises

16/5/2023 - 6/6/2023 (Week 7 - Week 10)

Kiran Hwang Kyezen / 0349180

Typography / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media 

Task 3 / Exercises


Lectures can be referred to here


Hyperlink - <iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1msBb-81sFI0UACcRQaiyGy3rc21cCSuR/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Task 3: Exercises - Type Design & Communication

For task 3, we are to design our own typeface through a process consisting of exploring different tools, sketching and practicing using these tools to create strokes and letters before entering the digitization process using Adobe Illustrator and finally creating the typeface using Fontlab.

The characters that we will be designing are:
a e t k g r i y m p n ! # , .

After creating the typeface, we are tasked with creating a basic A4 size poster utilizing all of the letters (not including symbols) above.

1.1 Research

1.2 Exploration

1.3 Digitization

1.4 Fontlab

1.5 Final outcome


Week 8
Independent Learning Week

Week 9
General Feedback - 
When writing the letters, ensure your hand angle is consistent throughout the entire process.

Specific Feedback -
The letters drawn with the calligraphy pen were best out of all the other samples as it had the most personality compared to the rest.

Week 10
General Feedback - 
Do not simply translate the written typeface into the digitized typeface. It should be refined to be suited for a digital typeface.

Specific Feedback -
Do research on the internet for fonts that may look similar to yours and analyze the anatomy of the letterforms to obtain a better understanding before you do your digital design.

Week 11
General Feedback - 
Make sure the letterforms are all roughly ending on the baseline. 

Specific Feedback -
Ensure stroke and size of punctuation are synonymous with the letterforms.

Week 12
General Feedback - 
White space can sometimes reduce the tension of your poster, ensure the type is all the same size. If using textures, ensure it does not overwhelm the text.

Specific Feedback -
Try to improve composition by repeating letters, increasing font size, or readjusting the space. Think creatively in order to find other ways.




Composition is important when 



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